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2019 Big Hit Producer Audition : NEXT NEW CREATOR NORTH AMERICA

오톡넷2019.05.21 11:46조회 수 996댓글 0

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    • 글자 크기
주최 Big Hit Entertainment
분야별분류 작사.작곡, 연출.스태프
특징분류별 기획사오디션, 해외오디션
분야별세부항목 작곡, 연출, 스태프
연령별 제한없음
성별 제한없음
개최지역 전국, 해외
접수시작 2019-05-20
접수마감 2019-06-19
홈페이지 http://nnc.bighitaudition.com

BTS와 TOMORROW X TOGETHER를 배출해낸 빅히트 엔터테인먼트가 재능과 열정을 가진 Next New Creator를 찾습니다.

많은 참여 바랍니다.

Application Category :
Producers who reside in North America
Application Period
1) Submission period: May 20th, 2019 – June 19th, 2019
2) Process: After submission ends, applicants who have passed Big Hit Entertainment producers’ screenings will be contacted separately and will proceed to the main competition.
3) Audition results will be sent to selected individuals via the email address provided on the submitted application after the competition.
Qualification :
1) Anyone can participate regardless of age, nationality, education, and experience
2) Both individual and team submissions are welcome
How to Apply
1) Send your demos and application via http://nnc.bighitaudition.com
2) Submit 2-5 demos: A complete track with completed melody and lyrics OR only the track
3) Required demo qualifications: Submit your own sequenced demo song and track (mobile DAW not accepted)
Award and Prize :
Grand Prize of $5,000 (individual or one team, public charge and tax will be applied)

ㆍ Please note that depending on the result winner might not be chosen
ㆍ If you win the competition, you may have to come to Seoul, Korea.
  • 1
    • 글자 크기

댓글 달기

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